GetPaid4Typing Scam

Is it legit? that would be the first question in mind before joining a money making website actually all of us do ask the same question when we get interested into signing a website that will bring us an opportunity to make money from home. I know it can be frustrated at times seeing all those scam sites around the web. Well you shouldn't be surprised about that, since scammers are always looking for new victims, and most of the time the innocent ones are the ones who usually end up joining this fake and false internet job sites.

I have written a (Detailed Review of already & obviously that review was written based on my experience and what I have just found out about this website. Maybe the owner just wanted to really earn some cash but offering a false online jobs to the people who just wanted to some extra cash at home isn't good at all, you never know how precious their time is for them, they could have spent their time spending on more valuable matters than spending time on such fake website, that's why we have written and shared (The Real Secret of Making Money Online) to give you an insight on how you can really make money online for free.

I know that you are looking for a real internet job that is for free something that could earn you at least a few bucks or more.  I am writing this review to help you and give you an insight & also to give you reason why we have rated is a scam!

Here's the reason why getpaid4typing isn't recommended:

Getpaid4typing Scam
#1. It Needs download - Yes before you can even start accessing the "false job" they offer you have to download a file/document before you can start working on the site.

#2. Website Redirection - It isn't always the case for every money making website, but knowing that you are being redirected to another site URL (via weebly) where you can see a download button a false testimonial that aren't even related to the said data entry job. So yes this is already gives you a red flag.

#4. You Have To Take a Survey - Well obviously there is an unkown file or document which are uploaded on some of the websites that pays you to upload files and pay you every time a person download your files. Yes you are required to take an online survey just to trick you out and so you can download the file! it's obviously a scam isn't it?

#5. Can't Access Your Account Through - knowing that you are redirected to another site URL where you need to download some file and being redirected again to other site URL is just a sure sign of scam!

#6. False Payment Options - Unlike any money making websites getpaid4typing doesn't have a dashboard featured where you can access anything like job offers and see your earnings so this is very alarming it could be that the files you they wanted you to download is part of referral program and revenue sharing site.

#7 False Claims - yes when you read all the information shared on it seems legit and would really make you believe including the things written on their TOS so that is one of the reason why this is a scam.

#8. Not Paying & No Real Job Offers - Well obviously this website is not paying & how can they pay if there is no real job offers? so was only made in purpose and that is to have you download some file, take an online survey so the owner could earn money from you.

If you are looking for a (Free Online Typing Jobs) & (Free Online Data Entry jobs) then this (Methods of Making Money Online) and you'd surely make money but then again just like what I always remind you, you won't make tons of money from this programs, but you'd surely make a decent amount of money depending on your performance and working etiquette as well as your determination.
GetPaid4Typing Scam GetPaid4Typing Scam Reviewed by ZEPETO on 10:35:00 PM Rating: 5